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Our SP1KE™ Difference

It’s time for a little relief.

You are here because you are looking for RELIEF – from pain associated with a lifestyle or activity that you simply cannot just STOP and therefore feel better. Dr Dr, it hurts when i press here…then stop pressing there!

That’s not you. You sit for an extended amount of time in the day. You can’t change that. That leads to poor posture. That leads to pain. That leads to poor performance. And that leads to so many other things… So let’s see why you are in pain, what is the cause and maybe then you can see a way out.

But first, let’s set the table. If you are going to find RELIEF, then there are 3 BELIEFS that must be met. We call it the “SP1KE™” journey – and we invite you to come with us on this journey!

Whoa!! Seriously, what’s this person talking about?? Beliefs??? I just want to buy a seat cushion that will relieve my pain – there’s SO many out there to choose from!!! Not so fast. Let’s make sure that we are the RIGHT fit, for you and for us. It’s only an extra minute of your life on the way to such a change!

Firstly, you must BELIEVE in US. You must believe that we genuinely have your best interests at heart and that we can deliver what we promise. We are real, trustworthy, credible and we are truly different from all those other cushions making the same claims. We must earn your trust and respect by backing up those claims with PROOF.

We know what you are going through. We are too. And we have spent the better part of 10 years developing solutions for this very specific problem.

It’s time for us to earn your trust.

Become amazed by our patented SP1KE™ cushions, mats, and insoles, whether you’re sitting, standing, kneeling, laying, or walking.